Kia ora!
We're just updating a few things to make your online shopping experience better. In the meantime, here is an overview of what we have in store!
Fruit & Vegetables
Broccoli, Colli, Lettuce, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Mushrooms, Onions, Carrots, Kumura, Beetroot, Apples, Bananas, Blueberries & More
Mince, Sausages, Pork, Lamb, Chicken & Brisket.
Gluten Free & Vegan
Bread, Pasta, Cereals, Chocolate + more
Paleo & Gluten Free
Dairy & Dairy Free
Butter, Cheese, Yoghurt, Milk, Ice Cream + more
Dried Fruit, Nuts & Grains
Dates, Figs, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Peanuts, Almonds, Cereals, Dried Bananas + more
Organic eggs from local farmers
Flax, Olive, Hemp & Coconut
Cleaning Products
Soaps & Sprays to protect you and your family
Kombucha, Kiefer, Soda, Coconut Water & Juice
Tea & Coffee
Loose leaf, teabags, Coffee Beans, Decaf, Instant & Alternatives
Chocolate, Desserts & Ice Cream
Pantry Items
Sauces, Stocks, Herbs, Spices, Salt & Pepper, Canned Goods + more
Vitamins, Wellbeing, Miscellaneous Herbs, Gut Health + more
Beauty & Essential Oils
Moisturisers, Cleansers, Soaps, Make Up, Hair Care / Dyes, Essential Oils + more